Discover Healthy Recipes - Eating the Caveman Way


The Paleo Recipe books are changing people's lives everyday just by going back to eating the way our Cavemen ancestors did. Humans have been eating off the land since the beginning of our existence. Eating natural foods from the earth.

The Paleolithic diet, otherwise known as the ancestral human diet is not new, in fact, it's the way our ancestors ate for thousands of years before the development of agriculture. The Paleo Recipe books are based on "Paleolithic eating" or "hunter-gatherer eating". The nutritional plan consists mostly of wild plants, vegetables, fruits, fish, roots, nuts and grass-fed pasture raised meats. Because a Paleolithic diet stems from the Paleolithic Age, before the dawn of agriculture, foods such as legumes, grains, dairy, salt, refined sugar and processed foods are not included on the menu.

It wasn't until up to 10,000 years ago during the Neolithic Revolution (the first agricultural revolution) humans began eating foods such as beans, cereals and dairy products. During the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th to early 19th centuries, refined foods, oils, and processed foods were introduced. Since the Industrial Revolution, our food consumption has changed from earth based, natural to processed and canned.

Because of these dietary changes, it has been theorized that by consuming refined foods, sugars and oils, has contributed to the cause for diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases and others. In later years, with humans developing more and more of these diseases, researchers have gone back to the drawing board.

We have found that eating natural foods from the land can help you increase energy levels, lose weight, increase your sex drive, improve skin tone, but most importantly, natural foods are a way to prevent the diseases often caused by eating refined and processed foods.

Today, people are more health conscience than ever before. Thus, changing their lives and health by eating more natural foods; foods the human body was designed to consume.

The Paleo Recipe books have grown much more in popularity due to the demand for healthier recipes. For people who want to follow the Paleolithic lifestyle, The Paleo Recipe books contain all the tools necessary to do it. Create simple, tasty recipes your body will crave.

The recipes are given with clear step by step instructions that allow you to create quick, easy meals. The recipe books also include hundreds of easy healthy recipes and the tools to create those fast, simple, delicious dishes.

There are 8 recipe categories to choose from such as snacks, meat, chicken, fish and seafood, soups, salads, omelets and desserts. Easily change your eating habits without having to worry about lengthy preparation.

Easy Healthy Diet From Paleo Cookbooks


Everybody in this universe wants to lead a healthy life. Most of us are not successful in achieving a normalized body health. Obesity is the main problem for many of us. It is not needed to waste time in gym sweating with the heavy objects. Simply boosting our levels of general daily activity can improve our health to a greater extent. Diet and fitness form a main part of our daily activity. When it comes to diet we have to be cautious about the type of food we intake and the extent of nutrition our body consumes. A proper proportion of the food intake and nutrients level are the causes for boosting our health.

When it comes to eating habits, all of us are designed to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and animals. This is the ultimate secret (which is not really a secret) to optimal health, losing weight, staying lean, improved performance, reduced risk of injury and faster recovery and healing.

After many trials and errors, I finally discovered that it is always better and safe to go by nature. Honestly speaking, I am not a good cook. Once I purchased the Paleo cookbooks, I found the recipes and instructions to be very simple and I was able to cook tasty meals. I found that my diet was just about the opposite of what everybody ate. I even spent less time thinking about food and more time just enjoying a healthy and vibrant life. I was able to create many interesting recipes that helped me to stay away from sweets and fried foods. My BMI (Body Mass Index) reduced to a greater extent within a month. I realized that I was smart in making the right changes in my life to achieve great health.

The Paleo Cookbooks introduced many delicious recipes which is a diet designed by nature. These books have shown positive results to many of us like good weight loss results, increased energy levels, bright & soft skin and a strong immune system. Eating natural foods that make up the Paleo diet promote such wonderful results.

The main reason to follow this cookbook is that it is always safe to follow a Paleo diet. The Paleo Diet is based on what our prehistoric human ancestors consumed. During the paleolithic age, our ancestors used to eat the food from nature. They didn't suffer from diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, cancer, auto-immune system and other chronic disorders. Their natural way of living made them healthy, fit and strong. It is interesting to know that the mortality rates were very low in places like Japan and Mediterranean compared to other places. This is because their dietary habits were paleolithic.

In this cookbook we don't find processed foods, preservatives, vegetable oils, sodas, legumes and dairy products. Instead there are a lot of recipes for egg, fish, fruits, vegetables, shell fish, seafood and nuts. For our convenience they have included guide to cook a healthy diet, easy cooking time charts, a guide to cook fats and meat charts to help us understand the Paleo diet and keep us on the path to follow a healthier diet and enjoying improved health. It is not too late to change our habits and establish a healthy lifestyle. So don't waste your time breaking your heads, making a hell lot of trial and errors in searching for a healthy recipe. My best suggestion for the recipe that fits your body in all ways is the Paleo cookbooks.

All the materials are digital and are available instantly in PDF format compatible with any computer. That means you can enjoy everything today. This is the perfect cookbook for quick Paleo recipe ideas as well as time and cost saving options.

There is no better day than today to start taking care of your health. The food you need is readily available in Paleo cookbooks. Buy, cook and enjoy living in a natural way with the people around you.

Keep Your New Year's Resolution to Lose Weight With the Paleo Diet Cookbook


Are you tired of not feeling comfortable in your own skin. Have you tried everything without getting the long term results you want? Do you want to lose weight for once and for all this year, no excuses, no ifs, ands or buts? If this speaks to you, continue reading. In this article I we will explore why most diets fail, and how the Paleo Diet Cookbook overcomes these obstacles.

Why Most Diets Fail

You get tired of the same thing 
Really, how may times can you eat a diet bar for lunch and a dry chicken breast and carrot sticks for dinner.

Unrealistic Restrictions 
This is a big one, diets that require you to stay under 800 calories a day, or to replace meals with shakes or meal bars are too strict and never work for the long run.

No education on how to change eating habits 
Some diets fail because although you may follow the guidelines for a diet, or eat the meals that were pre-made and distributed by your diet program, you are lost the minute you are left to your own devices.

Weight loss is the focus not health 
Many diets are focused on losing weight, but don't come close to helping you meet your nutritional needs. When your nutritional needs are not met, you have intense cravings, making it impossible to keep weight off.

Why the Paleo Diet Cookbook Works

Endless Options 
In the Paleo Diet Cookbook, there are over 370 recipes which are nutritious and delicious including things like: 
-Beef Kabobs with BBQ Eggplant 
-Mustard Glazed Drumsticks with Creamy Coleslaw and even 
-Double Chocolate Cookies

It's easier to stick to a plan when there's so much goodness to choose from; you will never feel deprived.

Realistic Plan You Can Stick To 
There is no calorie counting involved and you actually get to have foods you can sink your teeth into. This is not a meal replacement situation, because there is no reason to replace meals that are both yummy and healthy.

Learn How to Eat Right 
By using the Paleo Diet Cookbook, you will learn what foods to eat to keep your body at its optimum health. You will also have fun exploring foods that you may have never eaten before such as: 
-Chicken Liver with Grapes and Onions 
-Tripe soup with ginger sauce and mint or 
-Apple cinnamon omelet

This cookbook expands your food options rather than limits them.

Health Focus 
Unlike diets that focus on weight loss the Paleo Diet Cookbook focus is on meeting your nutritional needs by eating the natural, wholesome foods that mother nature has provided for us. When you are eating healthily, you will lose weight without having to obsess over it. You also wont have terrible cravings that drive you to binge eating.

Keeping your New Year's Resolution to lose weight doesn't have to feel impossible, it can be fun, exciting and obtainable.

Paleo Diet Recipes: Eating Healthy Has Never Been So Delicious


Some time ago, finding Paleolithic recipes could be a difficult task. However nowadays there are a wide variety of healthy, tasty and easy Paleo diet recipes available out there.

In the past primitive people used the food that nature gave them keeping themselves disease free and strong. Now it is our turn to do it by taking advantage of natural and healthy ingredients we have in the market that we usually do not use.

Although now we can use some gadgets that did not exist in the past, we are able to prepare Paleo meals without losing the nutrients the ingredients have. Through methods like steaming, we are able to keep all the natural nutrients almost intact, however nothing is better than eating food as it grows from earth.

The huge list of healthy ingredients that can be used in the Paleo diet increases the number of possible food combinations, allowing us to taste exceptional Paleo diet recipes.

A Paleo cookbook is the most efficient and easy source of Paleo recipes. They have a compilation of the best recipes available made with the finest and healthiest ingredients. Cookbooks usually have an index where recipes are divided by type of meal (breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, desserts, etc.) or by ingredients making it very easy to find a certain recipe you are searching for.

The World Wide Web is a very large cookbook where, in several different places, we can find delicious Paleo recipes ready to be used. At the distance of a click, we can find recipes from all over the world. Some of them have extra ingredients that a certain person added to get a personalized taste, making them unique recipes. These recipes provide an extensive gallery source of recipes that will meet all tastes.

The Paleo diet ingredient list is huge. Ingredients like coconut palm sugar, coconut milk, honey, lychee or cilantro give a special taste to the meals turning them into exquisite flavored and attractive dishes.

Salsa is an indispensable recipe for all Paleo diet followers. Salsa can be done with a wide variety of ingredients like jalapeno, cilantro, mint, or Thai green chili and can be used as a dip or as sauce in several dishes.

Shrimp is seafood used in several Paleo diet recipes. Fully Paleo, shrimp is low in calories and fat. It is also a source of omega-3, niacin, vitamin B12 and rich in minerals. Shrimp Shish Kabob is a grilled meal that also includes small chunks zucchinis (low in calories and rich in mineral) and several herbs.

Chicken is also a very preferred ingredient to be used in different dishes. From Grilled Chicken with Walnut Pesto Sauce to Paleo Chicken Paprikash with Spicy Basil Broccoli, a wide range of Paleo Chicken recipes can be found in cookbooks or online.

Some very healthy and fully Paleo ingredients are repeated in almost all main dishes and salads. Garlic, onions and peppers are among them. They help to prevent diseases and conditions like diabetes, high-cholesterol, and acne.

Boost your health and strength eating tasty Paleo diet recipes full of proteins, vitamins and minerals. With so many ingredients available in the Paleo diet, cooking is no longer boring.

Health and Wellness With the Paleo Diet


Alternative diets come and go, but the need to lose weight and maintain a healthy physique remains. The paleo diet, which stands for "paleolithic", is one long-term alternative that stands out among the flurry of fad diets. Composing of all the necessary food groups-from eggs, vegetables, fish, to meat-the paleo diet mimics the eating habits of our ancestors in the paleolithic age. The combination of these groups is high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates, limiting the body's intake to the animal food, fat, organs, fruits, eggs, etc. that our evolved physiology has developed.

The paleo diet breaks away from the current food groups many consume today, such as legumes, sugar, dairy, and grain. Unfortunately our bodies have not evolved enough to adapt to these types of food, so we end up being more prone to diseases such as heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, and hypertension. To avoid these conditions, the paleo diet follows a strict set of rules. Like any other diet, you must be disciplined enough to follow these. Unlike other fad diets, however, the rules are not as constricting and allow you to enjoy a variety of dishes.

In terms of content, the meals you eat should generally be low in carbohydrates, moderate in protein, and high in fat. However, you must limit the saturated fats consumed; only have lard or duck fat, and avoid butter and coconut oil. Fruits should be low to moderate servings, while vegetables should either be eaten raw or cooked. It is recommended to include vegetables such as sweet potatoes since they provide non-toxic carbohydrates. Do not use vegetable oils or hydrogenated oils such as peanut oil, canola oil, corn oil, margarines, or soybean oil. Sugar should also be removed from your intake, along with dairy products apart from butter.

Unlike other diets, you can enjoy your food by picking from recipes published in a paleo recipe book. Paleo recipe books include a variety of delicious dishes, such as breakfast meals of omelet muffins, sausage stir-fry, and steak and eggs. There is no need to skip meals as the paleo diet requires you eat when you are hungry, so snacks such as paleo hummus, a green smoothie, and bacon wrapped dates can be made in your kitchen. For a full course meal, some paleo recipe books also include soups such as bison chili, gazpacho, and paleo beef stew.

Other paleo recipe books also include a range of meaty dishes that cover beef, poultry, and other game meats. You definitely won't feel like you are on a diet as you bite into pork roast with Dijon glaze or have a few bun-less burgers in between breaks at work. Sides such as paleo pesto, roasted asparagus, basil spinach, and broccoli can complement these protein heavy dishes.

Apart from appropriate weight loss and a better physique, the paleo diet also results in long-term health effects such as reduced allergies, better workouts, stable blood sugar, clear skin and teeth, and balanced energy. All these effects will definitely let you enjoy a long and healthy life.

For more information on this amazing diet check out my Paleo Recipe Book Review. Also, check out my blog for information on other products.

Take Your Chicken Soup to the Next Level With Paleo Recipes


There are so many fun, healthy options when it comes to making chicken. We can bake it, broil it, fry it, grill it, make a soup or stew and more. But, even with knowing that there are endless possibilities with chicken, it is still so easy to get in the habit of making chicken the same old way we've always made it.

But I am here to share something that will assist you with tapping into the world of chicken-possibility. This something is Paleo recipes. They are easy-to-follow recipes that are designed to support you in eating the foods that your body was programmed to eat. This results in natural weight loss, increased energy, and a stronger, healthier immune system and more. Some of the foods included in the Paleo Diet are wild fruit, game meat, fish and vegetables.

Okay so now that we got that covered lets talk about Thai Chicken Curry Soup.

Thai Chicken Curry Soup: Although it is as easy to make as your regular chicken soup, this option is much more flavorful and interesting. As with all Paleo Recipes, a wide variety of foods and flavors are explored from all over the world so you never feel limited or deprived about what you can it.

- 1 chicken breast, chopped 
- 1 onion, diced small 
- 3 cups coconut milk 
- 2 cups water or chicken broth 
- 1 red bell pepper, diced 
- 1 cup button mushrooms, diced 
- 2-3 tbsp curry powder 
- 2 tsp coconut oil 
- ½ tsp fresh coriander, finely chopped; 
- 1 tbsp fish sauce (optional) 
- 1 tbsp almond flour (optional for thickening) 
- Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

- Put the coconut and chicken in a sauce pan on medium heat and let it cook for about 2 minutes 
- Add the mushrooms, bell pepper, onions, salt and pepper to the pan and let that cook for about 1 minute 
- Coat the meat and vegetables with the curry powder and let that cook for a minute 
- Stir in the water or stock, almond flour, coconut milk and fish sauce. let it cook for in about 15 minutes or until the chicken is fully cooked 
- The last step is to top the soup off with fresh coriander

That's sounds pretty easy right? So, the next time you're thinking about cooking chicken, step outside your comfort zone and let Paleo Recipes help you take your dish to the next level. Until next time, eat well.

Paleo Diet Cookbook: 6 Tips to Making the Perfect Steak


The Paleo Diet Cookbook provides many tools and tips on how to, not only cook healthily, but also on how to cook food that is oh-so delicious. This includes tips on how to cook the perfect steak.

Serving up the perfect steak can be intimidating for many people, but it doesn't have to be. You can prepare the most delicious and healthy steak you have ever had by following a couple basic tips.

Please note that the following tips are appropriate for all the most popular steak cuts including: 
-Tenderloin and 
-Strip Lion

1st Tip: 
Make sure that your beef is grass fed. Grass fed beef is better for your overall health and well-being than grain fed beef.

If you have the opportunity to select your meet before you buy it, choose beef that is a deep red, with white marbling fat. Also make sure that it is firm to the touch (this makes for a more juicy tender steak.

2nd Tip: 
Let your steak sit outside of the fridge until it's about room temperature before cooking (this may take 30 minutes - 2 hours). Doing this will give you a more evenly cooked, juicer steak.

3rd Tip: 
Pat the steak dry and season it. Usually sea salt and pepper is enough. You can use more elaborate seasonings and rubs when making a tougher less flavorful cut.

4th Tip: 
Rub clarified butter, tallow, lard or coconut oil on the steak. DO NOT use olive oil. Olive oil used at high temperatures is bad for your cells.

5th Tip: 
When cooking your steak on a frying pan, the trick to note is when to flip it. Your steak will be ready to flip once you see little drops of blood surfacing to the top of the uncooked side. After you flip it let it cook until it's at the desired done-ness. Also when you flip your steak, use tongs, instead of a fork. When you use a fork you prick the steak, causing the flavorful juices to seep out.

6th Tip: 
Even though your steak is cooked. There is still one last, important tip to remember. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes before serving; this allows the juices to set in.

Optional Topping Tips: 
Before you are ready to impress your guests with your fabulous steak, you can top it off with one of the following suggestions: 
1) Lemon Juice and Melted Cooking Fat 
2) Juice from the Steak and Red Wine 
For both options just put the mix in a sauce pan and let the liquid reduce a little and you are ready to serve.

All this talk about steak is making me really hungry. Until next time, eat well.

Hi, My name is Lawanda and I am passionate about health and fitness. I enjoy sharing my research and experience with those who are interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I am a dancer for a company that encourages holistic health and well-being and I am also a certified group fitness instructor.

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